Wednesday, April 29, 2009

“You Can Run but You Can’t Hide”

Series: Having a Heart for Nineveh
Excuse me, sir, do you have the time?" asked the jogger. "8:25!" the man replied. The jogger said thanks and left. Now the man could see other joggers passing by and he knew it was only a matter of time before another one disturbed him. To avoid that, he got out a pen and paper and put a sign on his window saying, "I do not know the time!" Once again he settled back to sleep. He was just dozing off when there was another knock on the window. "Sir, sir?" said a jogger, seeking to be helpful' "it’s 8:45!"
When I saw the recent news that Ted Haggard, Todd Bentley had a hidden life—a life of drugs and sexual immorality
-I found myself asking questions you may have asked—WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN?
-can one become so important in his eyes that he believes he is above the rules?
-beyond the consequences?
-start thinking--I’ve done so much for others—it’s time someone does something for me
-I’ve so much good performance stored up it will reduce any bad effects?
But I find myself asking a bigger question—HOW?
-how is it possible to live such a life of deception?
-how can one compartmentalize sin in such a way that ministry flourishes publicly while a life of sin goes on at the same time privately?
But then, we all know of people who we have admired so much as Christians have made real mistakes, some have repented and been restored others not so much.
I find myself wondering—how many Christians, even now, are bottling up, hiding significant sins
-thinking they can get away with it
-while creating around them an impression that everything is okay?
That’s what makes the book of Jonah so relevant and important—and necessary
-it brings us back to reality—destroys certain myths
-that we can run and hide
-that we can choose both our sin and its consequences
Jonah’s hiding wasn’t some private affair with sex and drugs
-in some respects—it was worse
-Jonah turned his back on God’s call for his life—took charge of his destiny
-resigned from the prophethood
-ran from the center to the edge
-going in the exact opposite direction of God’s will
-using his resources—he bought passage on a ship to Tarshish—what represented the furthest place imaginable from the will of God
-and joined a long list of other hiders—Saul, Cain, Adam
Whose worlds fell apart—as Jonah’s was about to do
-this Carnival cruise soon turned into a voyage from hell
-for running from God, hiding from God, sets a man on a stormy trajectory
-the sooner we get off this ship the better
-but Jonah was not interested in getting off the ship—not interested in setting aside his self centeredness
-and so—as is so often necessary--God sent a storm (read vs 4)
-“sent” misses the force of the verb
-God “hurled”, heaved this storm at Jonah
-affirming the truth of Hosea 8:7—
-sow the wind, and you will reap the whirlwind
Sounds a bit vindictive
-I’ll get back at you Jonah for thumbing your nose at Me, this is not what God is about, he loves you cause he loves you cause he loves you.
-but it is something far more radical
-this is God tenacious--determined to bring Jonah—you, me—into the purpose for why He created us
-He will not give up on us--and if He has to use storms to bring us back—
He will
For storms do a couple of things—
A. Seeing that the ship would soon be shattered
-the crew had no choice but to jettison everything that might threaten their well being—strip down to the essentials
-reduce life to the elementals—every man cried to his god
B. That’s what storms do
-whether they be the loss of a job, loss of income, loss of health, the moment the bottom falls out, life has thrown an unexpected
-the moment that leads to a sudden loss of fortunes, loss of security, loss of well being
-the moment we become broken world people
-storms have a way of changing everything--have a way of forcing us to release the things we hang on to, the things we heretofore have trusted in
-bring us to a point where nothing else matters-everything else is insignificant
-reduce us to baseline—bring us to our knees
It’s unfortunate that we need storms for that—but often we do
-sometimes only the sifting work of a storm can bring us back to the call of
Maybe you are in the midst of a self-inflicted storm—and God is rearranging your priorities
-unfortunately—Jonah had not yet rearranged priorities
-while Jonah’s sin was effecting others
-for sin has its side effects—reducing the worlds of those we live with, work with
-Jonah assumed he could avoid it all-read vs 5b
-amidst the creaking of the timbers, the popping of the hull, the roar of the storm
-Jonah lay hidden-deep in the recesses (lit “extreme parts”), the far reaches of the ship
-language suggesting that even on board the ship—he was running to the farthest point –where he could renounce all responsibility
-and where he fell into a deep sleep
-how could this be?
-tired from the journey to Joppa? Drowsy from the motion sickness pills?
-most likely it was same tiredness you and I sometimes experience when we are in self-doubt, fear, denial
-when we are hiding from God—and the particular depression this can bring on
-when we are living with a secret—and expending lots of energy to cover it up
-but it was probably more —we surmised PTCOG-post traumatic call of God
-sleep served to dull the pain
-but he would not sleep for long—for there is something else about storms
A. Layer by layer-Jonah’s world began to be exposed
-this storm, like most storms, began to bring things to the surface
-for God will not be brushed aside—ignored
-He will not allow things to remain hidden
B. Jonah was awakened, ironically, by the same word that awakened him to the call of God in verse 2—arise
-Jonah must have thought he was having a reoccurring nightmare
-only this time it was the voice of a pagan
-a captain tapping into every divine possibility
-and in all of this—Jonah was being exposed
-a sudden loss, an unexpected setback—and the depth of our relationship with God is often exposed
-Jonah’s walk with God was revealed for what it was--thin
A. He was unable or unwilling to seize an incredible opportunity to give witness to God
B. Unable, unwilling even to pray—JONAH HAD NO PRAYER
C. Unable, unwilling to discern—JONAH HAD NO PROPHETIC INSIGHT
-even pagan sailors saw that this was more than a natural phenomenon
-this storm was something supernatural
Here was a prophet whose condition was exposed for what it was—
-functional godlessness
-as dead to the world as he was dead to God
-like Samson-devoid of power
-an empty suit
Sometimes it takes a storm to realize how shallow we are
-what happens when we have gotten away from the spiritual disciplines of
word and prayer—that bring depth
-more than spiritual dullness—
-things continued to come to the surface—next up was Jonah’s sin
-they realized this was no adventurer on the move
-this was a man on the run—from God
-painfully we learn this reality-truth always rises to the surface
-as the storm increased in intensity--Jonah’s character, Jonah’s course,
Jonah’s faith—Jonah’s heart--everything about Jonah was coming out into the open, exposed
-even the deepest interior parts
-just as storms do in our lives
-Jonah’s offer to be tossed-heroic as it seemed—revealed yet something darker
-a heart rebellious —a heart stubborn--incapable of simple repentance
-the sailors were willing to do whatever God wanted
-Jonah knew what God wanted—but chose to defy it
-he could have simply said—God, I will go
-instead he in effect said to God—I’m not going
-I’d rather go to the grave than go to Nineveh!
Perhaps you are facing a storm—and not all storms are the same
1. Some storms are not the result of disobedience
-honesty sometimes leads to bankruptcy—taking a stand at school sometimes meets with mocking
-sometimes, storms are the RESULT of obedience
-in another Mediterranean storm, faced by another pagan ship, in Acts 27,
Paul faced the real danger of shipwreck
-off went the cargo, the tackle—but through it all, God was not rerouting Paul
-instead—out of the storm came God’s powerful voice—“Do not be afraid Paul; you must stand before Caesar”
-to paraphrase—you’re on the right course—don’t let the winds push you off-stay fixed
2. But some storms are the result of disobedience
-sometimes storms are of our making—sinful choices, running from God
-that expose us to the severity of God’s mercy
-He will not allow us to live in peace with disobedience
Dear God—depending on the storm—strengthen our resolve—or break us-Amen

Learning to Hear God's Voice

- Part 1 of 4
Luke 8:4-15

One of the most basic claims of Christianity is that God speaks to people. All through the Bible you see the phrase, "And God said..." Pretty soon you get the idea that God really does speak to people. God wants to have a relationship with you. He wants to have a personal relationship with you. There is no relationship without communication. God has chosen to speak to us.
The problem is communication is often misunderstood. When my wife speaks to me I often, a)don't hear it, and b) misunderstand it. I'm sure I'm the only man that ever felt that way! Men, there are two things you need to understand about women.... and nobody knows what they are!
If I have that much difficulty with my wife who I spend my entire life with and love and know and still we don't always communicate clearly, how much should you expect there to be communication problems with God? There are communication problems with God.
Frankly, I am very skeptical of people who always have a clear word from God. A lot of stupid things have been done by people who claim that God has spoken to them. I've very skeptical when people tell me, "God told me this ..." They always have a clear word. Some people think that ministers always understand exactly what God wants us to do. That's not true. I am often as confused as everybody else about what is God saying, what is God trying to say. Some of you
think I have a little red telephone in my study and I pick up the God-phone. God tells me what to say to you and I talk with him that way. God does not send me e- mail. He doesn't send me telegrams. I don't have a fax of God. Sometimes I'm just as much in the dark about hearing God as you are.
On the other hand, there are times in my life when God speaks when I have no doubt at all that God is speaking to me. Just like when my wife calls me on the phone, I don't have to ask who it is -- I know her voice. There are times when God speaks to me when I know exactly who it is, who's putting that idea in my mind. I know where that impression is coming from.
What makes the difference? The difference is attitude.
This morning we're beginning a new series I'm calling, "Learning to Hear God's Voice". Nothing is more important to you than understanding that God wants to talk to you and that you can actually hear Him if you just tune in. Jesus once said in Luke 8:8, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear!" Get your ears on! You've got to be tuned in order to hear God speak.
Many times, God has spoken to you, but it hasn't come through crystal clear because you're not on the right channel. Right now the room is filled with radio waves, but you don't hear them because you're not tuned in. They're even going through your body. There are television waves going through the air right now. You don't even see them. If you had a receiver and you tuned it in right, you'd get the picture. Right now, God is speaking to many of you. You don't see it, but He really is. But your reception is a little fuzzy.
Jesus told the story in Luke 8, a parable, in which He says, Let me explain to you that it's all about mental attitude. There are four kinds of attitudes that will depend whether you get the message clearly from God or whether you don't. This is so important. Obviously, if you can tune into God He can direct you, He can save you a lot of time from making wrong mistakes, He can comfort you when you need comfort, He can guide you, and so on.
So He says, Let me tell you a story. There was a farmer who goes out to sow seed and as he went out to sow seed, his seed scattered all over in different types of soil. Back in the Middle East in the old days they didn't plant one seed per spot and cover it up with dirt. They did what was called broadcasting. A farmer would have a pouch on his side filled with seed and, as he'd walk through the field that he had already tilled, he would toss it out, scattering it. That's where we get the term broadcasting. Obviously some of the seed falls on good soil and some of it doesn't. He says these four soils represent four mental attitudes. They're not four kinds of people, but actually all of us have been all four of these types. We vary from them from time to time. Sometimes we're very open to God to what He wants to say to us. Sometimes we're very closed.
How do I hear God speak to me?
I've got to want to hear from God, be eager, be receptive. I've got to be ready and willing to hear God. Some of you today are not believers. You're seekers. You're checking out us and Christ. We welcome you here. We're glad you're here. Others of you are new believers. Others have been believers for many years. But if I were to ask you, have you ever heard God speak to you? There are many of you who would say, "I can't think of a time in my life where I ever actually heard God speak to me." I'm not talking about an audible voice, but an impression in your mind that you knew that is from God.
Why is that? One of the possible reasons is that you've never been open to the possibility of it.
Maybe you didn't even know it was possible that God does want to speak to you directly. You've thought maybe God doesn't speak to you and maybe you don't even believe in that. When you've got a closed mind, obviously, God is not going to get through.
This is the first type of soil. v. 5 "Some seed fell on the path and it was trampled on and the birds of the air came and ate it up....[v. 12] Those along the path are like people who hear and then the devil comes along and takes away the word from their hearts so they cannot believe and be saved."
On every farm, in every field there's a footpath that the farmer would walk down. As he went he would sow the seed out onto the land that was tilled. There are two characteristics of a footpath.
One, they're hardened because of the constant traffic of people walking. The soil is compact and it's not fertile and tilled like the field. It's hard. The other thing about a path is it's narrow.
Do you know anybody like that? They're closed minded, narrow minded, hard hearted. They're not even open to the possibility that God might speak to them. As a result, Jesus says the farmer sows seed but it can't penetrate because it's hard and compacted. It can't take root, it can't sprout, it just lays on the surface of the ground and the birds come along and eat it. It never even gets a chance.
This is true with us many of the times. God wants to speak to us, but He doesn't even get a chance because our minds are closed, our hearts are hardened, we've made up our mind, we're unwilling to listen, we've already decided what we're going to do so we don't want to hear from God. We've already decided what we're going to do in the situation.
What causes us to have a closed mind?
1. Pride. Pride causes us to have a closed mind. When I think, "I don't need God. I don't need to hear from God. I can make this business decision on my own. I don't need God. I know what to say to my children.... I don't need God. I know how to handle this relationship.... I don't need God. I can pass this test without praying." Anytime you fail to pray about something, you're basically saying, "I don't need God in this. I can handle it on my own. I can resolve it. I can solve it. I can handle this mess. I can correct this error. I can resolve this conflict. I don't need God."
That's called pride. When I'm full of pride, I close my mind to God and He can't get in and say anything to me because I think I've got it all figured out. So I don't pray.
2. Fear. Sometimes we're just afraid of what God might say to us. What if I pray or open my mind to God and God tells me to do something I don't want to do? He might tell me something hard. He might tell me to do something unpopular. He might tell me to do something I think I can't do or I don't want to do. So I'm afraid. If I let God speak to me, I might become a religious fanatic. I'll become like one of those nuts on TV and have to wear my hair huge! Or wear a shiny shell suit. And say all kinds of weird stuff. Maybe God will make me some kind of loony religious nut. So I'm afraid. I'm afraid I'll loose my freedom. I'm afraid I'll lose my fun. I'm afraid I'll loose my fulfillment in life. No thanks, God. So I close my mind. Some people close their mind to God simply out of fear.
3. Bitterness. Whenever we've been hurt and we hold on to those hurtful memories, it causes us to close our minds to God. We start saying things like "God, why did You allow this? Why is this happening to me? If You're such a great loving and powerful God, why did this happen?"
You're going to be hurt in life. You will have pain in life. This is not heaven, this is earth. God has given us a free choice and so people are free to do wrong things and the result is innocent people suffer. Not everything that happens in this world is God's will. He's given us the freedom to choose. So people get hurt. You're going to be hurt in life. What you do with that hurt will determine whether you become a better person or a bitter person. A bitter life is a wasted life.
When we become bitter and when we hold on to our hurts, it only prolongs the pain. What we tend to do is ... "They hurt me so I'm going to close myself off, build up walls, hide in my shell, and I'm not going to let anybody get close to me. Not even God, because God let it happen." We start blaming God for things other people did to us. As a result, we close our mind. People who have been deeply hurt often have a hard time opening up their minds and their hearts to God.
They've held in so much and they hurt.
Obviously in a crowd this size, some of you have been deeply hurt in the past. Some of you maybe have lost a loved one, maybe recently, maybe a child, a young child. You still feel that pain. Some of you were abused; some of you were verbally abused, physically abused, emotionally abused. Some of you have known the betrayal of a spouse who was unfaithful to you and that still hurts. Other people who claim to be Christians have even hurt some of you. Or you were in a church situation and supposedly Christian people didn't act very Christian, very Christlike. They hurt you and you got burned in a church experience. The tendency is to say, if that's what Christianity is all about, no thanks, God! We blame God for what other people have done to us.
If you have been deeply hurt, let me say two things to you: One, I'm sorry you hurt. I really mean that. I'm sorry you hurt. God hurts with you. He weeps with you. He understands the pain you've gone through. At a funeral one time, a woman said, "Where was God when my son died?"
I thought, "The same place He was when His son died. On the cross." God has not promised to exempt us from pain. I'm sorry you hurt. God hurts with you.
Two, I want to say to you, when you are in pain and when you are hurt, don't run from God. Run to God. He's the one who can help. He's the one who can comfort. He's the one who can care.
He's the one who can make a difference. He's the one who can bring healing to your emotions and your body and your past. Nobody else can do that. When you run from God out of pain, you're running from the only person who can heal it. Don't do it. Don't turn from Him. Turn to Him in your moment of crisis. Turn to Him with your hurt instead of holding it in. Give it to Him.
Never allow any other human being or experience to block your relationship to God. That's crazy. Even if they claim to be a Christian and you've been hurt by that. You can be hurt by them. Give that hurt to God. You don't turn off to God because somebody else did something to you. Give it to God. Don't close your heart and don't close your mind. The tragedy of that hard beaten path is that it is barren. Nothing can grow there. It's unfruitful. A bitter life is a wasted life. It only prolongs the pain. Jesus says the birds come along and eat the seed. That kind of life is for the birds!
Instead, look at James 1:21 "Get rid of all the moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept [circle "accept"] the word planted in you which can save you." Let God love you, drop your defenses and open up your mind.
The first step in hearing God speak is you and I must cultivate an open mind.
I've got to make time to hear Him. I've got to slow down, be quiet, plan it in my schedule. We schedule everything else in life -- vacations, dentist appointments, movies, homework, everything else. Do you schedule time for God in your schedule? Or does God just get the leftovers. The second reason a lot of people never hear God speak is we're in too much in a hurry. Even overnight mail isn't fast enough any more that is snail mail because it goes so slow. You can set down at a keyboard and type it out and it goes in a nano second to wherever you want it to go. We're always in a hurry. When we live in a hurried lifestyle, God gets shortchanged, shuffled to the back of the deck. He gets the leftovers of our time. We want to hear God speak, yes, but what we say is, "God, I'm in
a hurry, so do it quick! I only have a minute!" As I'm running out the door to my next project or assignment or job I'm saying "OK God, speak to me, but do it right now!" As a result, we miss what God wants to say to us.
v. 6 "Other seed fell on shallow soil with rock beneath. This seed began to grow but soon withered and died for lack of moisture." v. 13 "Those on the rock are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe it for a while, but in the time of testing, they fall away."
Just as the hardened path represents the closed mind, the shallow soil represents a superficial mind. It's shallow. When He talks about rocky soil here He's not talking about soil with a bunch of rocks in it. In much of the middle east and particularly in Israel, much of Israel is built on a bedrock of limestone with about 3-4 inches of topsoil on top of it. That means plants can grow down 2-3 inches but that's about it. So when summer comes and the heat is on, the plants wither.
They die because they don't have any roots because there's a bedrock underneath that does not allow them to develop deep roots.
He's saying this represents the superficial type of hearer who hears the word of God. It sprouts up and they're all excited about it but it doesn't last. When the heat is on and when the problems come they will wither and fall away.
Likewise we do this. Sometimes we hear God and we get all excited about it and we're superficially moved and we react emotionally and we're moved impulsively. But we never give it the time to sink in to our bodies, to sink in to our minds. I can't tell you how many people have told me, "I was so moved by that message! I was really touched. I was moved to tears!" But a month later there is still no perceivable life change or behavioural difference in their life. They're still living the same way. They got excited about the message but they didn't do anything about it. As a result they are just shallow, superficial. They have no roots. When the heat is on, they're not going to last.
Why is it that we don't have change? The United States Air Force did a study and found that we forget 90-95% of everything we hear within 72 hours. If you want a statistic that will depress a minister, that's it! We labour to produce these magnificent masterpieces of sermons, realizing that by Wednesday, you've already forgotten everything we've said on Sunday except maybe 5%. I don't remember what I preached on last week! That is why we have the sermon outlines. Write it down and later on review it. The shortest pencil is longer than the longest memory. If you don't write it down, you're going to forget it all. If you forget it, you can't work on it.
This is a problem that all of us have, even ministers. I went to a conference and heard a message. God spoke to me, "You need to work on this area of your life." I thought, "You are right. I really need to work on this area in my life." I was motivated and charged up. But somehow
those notes I had taken got misplaced and I found them this week in another pile. When I pulled them out, I realized that in the two months I had done nothing. I had already forgotten what I was so excited and motivated about recently.
"How many of you would say I accept and believe in the Ten
Commandments?" "Which of you would like to come up and quote them?" My guess is most of you could not even name all ten. How can you say you base your life on the Ten Commandments if you can't even name all ten? Unless you are retaining and reviewing what God says to you, you're just kidding yourselves. How is it that people can come to church year after year and never really be changed? Because it goes in one ear and out the other.
The verse says the second kind of person -- v. 13 -- "They received the word with joy [circle that] but when they hear it they don't have any root." In other words, they don't retain it. He's saying you can be thrilled without being transformed. You need to write it down in a journal, or a binder of sermon notes, when you're in a Bible study, you take notes. Then you regularly review those things so you don't have to learn the same lesson over and over.
Some of you say, "I've been a Christian for 27 years..." you've been a believer for 27 years but you haven't had 27 years of experience. You've had one year of experience, 27 times. You have to keep relearning because you're not retaining it. You've got to take time to let it sink in.
You need to schedule time every day where you set down with your Bible and read, think about your life, maybe review some of the lessons you've learned, write things down and keep growing by reviewing.
Having been in this church for 7 years I've seen many people who have started off great.
When they first became believers they were excited and enthusiastic and full of joy. Today you can't find them anywhere. They had enthusiasm but that is not enough to make it in the Christian life. It takes commitment. It takes the commitment to say, "I'm going to set down and regularly review what I'm being taught." Why should God teach me new things if I haven't put into practice what He taught me last week? or yesterday? or last night? Why do people have no roots?
Because they don't take the time. How do you get roots? Allocate time to listen. Say, God, I'm going to spend 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes every day. It's not the amount of time. Just get started so that everyday you get alone with God and say, "OK God, what's next? What's the next step in my career? What's the next step in my marriage? What's the next step in my family?
..." God can't talk to you unless you slow down.
Cultivate an open mind and allocate time to listen.
A lot of times we miss hearing God because our minds are crowded with other thoughts. Our minds are filled with concerns of daily living, worries, plans, goals, ambitions, bills, all these different kinds of things. When our mind is full and always thinking and never give God a chance in silence to talk to us, He can't get through.
Many of you did what I did this last Mother's Day. You pick up the phone and dial your mum to
say "Happy Mother's Day" and as you were doing it you get the same little message, "Sorry, but
all the circuits are busy." Everybody else in America was calling their mother.
Many times God has wanted to talk to you and He's got a busy signal. Many times God has wanted to talk to you in your life but the line was off the hook and you don't want to do 1471 with God. You've got to make time. When you're too busy -- and there are many things that are good but they can distract you -- you're too busy to listen to God.
v. 7 He says, "Other seen fell among the thorns [weeds] which grew up with it and choked the plants. v. 14 This seed that fell among the thorns stands or represents those who hear the word but as they go on their way they're choked by life's worries, riches, and pleasures."
The soil with weeds, this third kind of soil that the farmer is throwing seed on, it represents a preoccupied mind. We're distracted. The seed sprouts and grows but the weeds choke it before it can bear fruit.
Why is it that so many people live unproductive lives? I talk to people in their 30's, 40's, 50's and even 60's who say, "I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing with my life." That tells me one thing: You're not spending much time with God. God had no intention for you wasting your life. If you'd spend as much time with God talking about your life as you do worrying about it, you'd have a whole lot less to worry about. God is not playing games with you. He has a plan and purpose for every life. But you're not going to get it watching soap operas or listening to the radio. You've got to get time with God. We get distracted and we allow everything and anything to push God out of our lives.
sign that said, "Beware of the barrenness of a busy life." Don't ever confuse activity with productivity.
There are a lot of you who are on the go all the time. But you're going in circles is what you're doing. There's no focus to your life. There's no rhyme or reason or general purpose. You haven't discovered why God put you here. Why? Because you're not talking to Him and you're not letting him talk to you. You've got to eliminate the distractions.
Jesus says that distractions are kind of like weeds. He gives us three examples. First, worries can distract you from hearing God speak. You can't pray and worry at the same time. Worries are the problems and the pressures of daily life. The Greek word is the word that means to be pulled in different directions. Have you ever felt that? Pulled in different directions. That's the Bible definition of worry. When you're worrying you can't hear what God wants to say to you. You're preoccupied, distracted.
Riches can be a weed in your life. We can be so busy making money we don't have time for God.
So busy making a living, we don't really live. We don't really enjoy life. We just get up in the morning and go to work. We work hard to pay the bills and catch up and get even and keep up with the Jones' and we flop into bed at night, get up the next morning and do the same thing. God gets crowded out. God gets the leftovers in your life. In the desire to make money you can forget God.
Another weed can be pleasures. There's nothing wrong with pleasures. Who do you think gave you the ability to enjoy pleasure? God did. God thought up the fun in the world. God gave you the senses and the abilities and the tactile senses you have in order to enjoy pleasure. God wants you to enjoy pleasure. But He's saying you can be so busy having fun that you forget God. When recreation replaces worship -- "It's summertime! I don't think I'll go to church this week end.. . .
I'll cut that Bible study.... We're on holiday so I won't have a quiet time." Who are you having a holiday from? God? You can be so busy having fun (and God wants you to have fun) but when it becomes number one in your life, guess who's getting crowded out?
There are a lot of different kinds of weeds. You can make your own list of the things that tend to crowd out God. It could be a relationship, a responsibility, anything. A weed is anything that distracts me from making time to be with God. To set down, be quiet and pray and say, "God, is there anything you want to say to me today?" Some days He will and some days He won't. But you've got to have the line ready, so He can talk to you.
A very theological question: How much effort does it take to grow weeds? No effort at all. In my garden where I'm growing stuff, I'm starting a weed farm and seeing how many known weeds I can grow. The difference between a plant and a weed -- a flower is something you cultivate, you fertilize, you trim, you water it and it doesn't grow. A weed you do nothing to and it explodes.
That's the difference. You don't have to water weeds. They grow! Weeds are a sign of neglect.
When I start neglecting time with God on a daily basis, when I start neglecting a small group, when I start neglecting getting together with other Christians in worship, going to a Bible study -- any of those things -- the weeds are going to grow up in my life and the Bible said they're going to choke the spiritual life out of me. I'm going to loose my joy, my peace, my purpose, my sense of calmness, my ability to handle stress, etc. The weeds will choke the life out of you. And they all come just by neglecting spending time with God.
God talks to people who decide in advance that they are going to do whatever He tells them to do when He tells them. Most of us want God to talk to us and then we'll decide if we're going to do it or not and God says, "No, no. We don't play that game." God talks to people who are going to do what He tells them to do once He tells them.
I know of a church who had a choir special "Yes, Lord, Yes!" That was basically the whole song. When they finished it, the choir director turned around and said, "OK, God, You've already heard our attitude. Now tell us what to do."
That's what God wants you to do. If you want God to speak to you, you need to say, "OK God, I'm going to do what You tell me to do whether I understand it or not, whether it makes sense or not, whether I'd think I'd like to do it or not, because I know it's the right thing and I know You know what would make me happy more than I do." It's a matter of trust.
The fourth soil represents a willing heart. Willing to do whatever God tells you to do, before He even tells you. v. 15 "The seed on the good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart who hear the word of God and retain it and by persevering produce a good crop." Circle "retain". They not only hear God's word but they retain it. They write it down, they listen to it, they think about it and go over it. The result is a productive life.
Would you like to make your life count? Would like to have a productive, fulfilling, satisfying life? Then do what James 1:22 tells us, "Don't merely listen to the Word and so deceive yourself.
You kid yourself if you think you're growing just by going to church. Do what it says."
Here's the question I want to close with: What are you going to do as a result of today's message? The Bible says "be doers of the word, not hearers only." Do something. The moment you walk out the door, there's a little bird that's going to try to steel the seed of what we talked about today -- the devil. He's going to get you distracted, get you to think about where you're going for lunch, about the jerk who pulled in front of you in the tesco car park, or any number of other distractions.
If you want to make this count, otherwise this morning was a waste, I want to give you a homework project. Do one thing as a result of today's message. It may be join a house group, start memorizing a Bible verse a week, start having a quiet time every day -- 5, 10, 15 minutes.
Do something! Don't waste it.
Lord, You've told us what to do. You've said that you want to speak to us. Help us to have open minds, not closed minds. Help us to not be shallow minded but to really review and think about and study and to go over the things we've learned and you've taught us through many different ways. When you speak to us help us to care enough to write it down, otherwise we'll forget it. Forgive us for having to learn the same lesson over and over. Help us not to be distracted by good but secondary things that would keep us from spending time in your Word and spending time listening to You and talking to You in prayer. Help us to have an open and willing heart to do what you want us to do. In Jesus' name we pray.Amen.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

“The Mission We Must Not Waver From”

Series: Conversations with Jesus
John 18:33-38

The story is told of a young man who entered a very strict monastic order. It was so strict that members were permitted to speak only two words per year to the abbot. At the end of year one the young man appeared before the abbot and spoke his two words, "bad food." At the end of the second year the young man appeared before the abbot and spoke two more words, "hard bed". At the end of year three he came to the abbot and spoke his last two words, "I quit." The abbot responded, "Well it is about time. Complain, complain, complain - that’s all you’ve done since you came here.
John, as we have seen, is a book of conversations as well
-reading Matt, Mk, Luke is like kayaking on a swift flowing river
-but John is more like a canoe on a quite lake
-we meander from one conversation to the next
-beginning with Nathanael, with His mother, with Nicodemus, the woman at the well, the paralytic, the crowd, the blind man, the woman caught in adultery
-the disciples
-and Jesus’ conversation with God
-you can outline the book by these conversations
And now we come to one of the last conversations—Jesus’ conversation with Pilate
-and like all the others—it is a conversation Jesus is ultimately having with us
-it takes place outside of the Upper Room, where we have been
-prompted by a religious establishment thoroughly threatened by Jesus
-they want nothing less than His blood—and they are determined to make
Rome, and its governor—Pilate—see just how dangerous He is
-for only Rome had the authority to put men to death
-but they know this—that their religious concerns will cut no ice with Pilate
-so they make Jesus a political issue—they refashion their case in political terms
-this is one more terrorist leader with messianic notions inciting rebellion against Rome
-a Person claiming to be a king
Pilate is less than convinced with their charges
-but he must probe—because Pilate knows what kings and kingdoms are
-and he knows that it is his job to allow none on his patch
And so a conversation takes place recorded in vss 33-38a—in Gibson’s powerful
film, Passion of the Christ—he captures it
Here is Pilate in all of his impressive might
-confronting—challenging some “Backwater” wannabe
-vs 37a-You are a king?
But it is Pilate who is really the one on trial
-the one confronted—challenged with the reality of truth
-and this pre-modern man voices what our post-modern age expresses—
-a suspicion—a skepticism regarding truth-vs. 38a
Like Pilate—most of our age questions the existence, the knowability of truth
-a “deep, pervasive relativism grips our society”

-there is a growing suspicion of anyone making truth claims
-and the church has surrendered to this as well
-in recent research, only 45% of evangelical
Christians believe in absolute truths—only 10% more than Britons as a whole
-less than 1 out of 10 teens (9%) hold to moral absolutes
-here’s what this means—
We have reduced truth--
1. from something OBJECTIVE to something SUBJECTIVE
-there are no objective values—only personal preferences
2. from something SINGULAR to something PLURAL
-your truth, my truth
-we live in a smorgasbord of realities
-believe what you like, if it works for you who else matters?
-Jesus might be your truth—or Buddha, or…a hundred other truths
3. from something UNIVERSAL to something PERSONAL
-to what works for you
-to what makes you happy
4. from something DISCOVERED to something WE MAKE
What explains this aversion to truth?
1.some blame it on an emerging postmodern culture—that has been disillusioned by false promises and lies and hypocrisy
2. but it is much deeper Something that goes back to the very nature of sin
-we are indifferent, even hostile to truth—in large measure— because it is in our sinful nature to do so
-it is in our nature to be self centered—to be the god of our own universe—where truth is truth only if it supports, confirms our actions
All of which leads to deadly consequences—
-for if truth is ultimately about us—does not go beyond us—to something, Someone outside of us-
-then truth, and life is pretty thin
-for if there is no reference point by which everyone can go to judge something—then we end up with chaos
-there is no basis for anything
-you know it is a confused age when you find books like this one out on the market— “That’s Funny, You Don’t Look Like Buddhist—On Being a
Faithful Jew and a Passionate Buddhist”
-we say there is no absolute truth—but such a statement is its own truth claim
1.we can’t get away from some form of objective truth
-even postmodern architecture relies upon engineers who rely upon absolute truth—otherwise-the building collapses
2. we can’t get away from moral absolutes
-torturing the innocent for pleasure cannot sometimes be right
-pedophile behavior is not sometimes okay
-worst of all
scatterbrained lady called in a repairman to fix her electric clock. The repairman fiddled with it for a while and then said, "There's nothing wrong with the clock; you didn't have it plugged in.", "I don't want to waste electricity, so I only plug it in when I want to know what time it is." truth is truth, you can trust the truth of physics, of the natural laws of the world, the truth of the word of God, the person of God, the Son of God, you see,
-if there is no ultimate truth acting as a moral compass
-if pornography is not a moral evil—it just may not work for you
-if homosexuality is not a moral wrong—it is just an alternative lifestyle
-if divorce is not necessarily sin—for it can allow you to expand your life, enhance personal growth
-if assisted suicide is right if it is right for you
-the surest way to hurt people is to abandon moral absolutes
In this one statement in John 18:37
-Jesus contradicted all of these contemporary assumptions of truth—
“For this I was born—for this I came—
-to witness—testify, affirm, give evidence to this—there is truth
-truth that can be known—must be known—and I am that truth
One can hear in these words Jesus declaring—
-test me Pilate—look at My life, My words
-to what is there
-I alone give an accurate account of what is out there
-every person wrestles with four basic truth questions-
A. who am I?
-a mistake, an accident?
-some empty molecule on a meaningless sea?
B. why am I here?
-to simply consume, live for today
C. what is wrong?
-lack of governance, insufficient education?
D. how can things be made right?
-more governance—more education?
Only Jesus gives credible answers—
-we are a divine creation made in the image of God
-we are here to glorify God and enjoy Him forever
-here’s what’s wrong—we fail to acknowledge God
-here’s how to get right—get right with God
-embrace the work I have to this world to do on the cross
-test Me Pilate—
-for this is the nature of truth—truth is whatever has integrity, wholeness, reliability
-Jesus was, is who He claimed to be
-believing and being—talking and doing were all joined in a seamless whole
As we stand before the Pilate’s of our world—cynical and skeptical of truth—we will have to do no less—
1. Declare there is truth—no matter the cost
-for this we too were born—to bear witness to truth
2. Live truth—no matter the price
-in fact—whatever we declare must arise within a context of authenticity
-if we believe Jesus is the truth—but do not live it out
-if we don’t disentangle ourselves from habits which contradict our statements—and embody truth
-we will only increase skepticism
-the same seamless whole has to be in us
3. pray for God’s grace to open hearts
-for only a heart inclined to truth can hear-vs 37
There’s one more scene that captures this—
If you will not hear the truth—no one can tell you
Can you hear the truth—is your heart open to truth?
And if you have opened your heart to truth—are you embracing—saturating your
life with truth?
The name Hans Lippershey is not a famous one, but he made a tremendous contribution to the world of vision. In l600, he created the first telescope. He was a Dutch spectacle maker. One day two children came into his shop and were playing with some of the lenses scattered around. They put two together which greatly magnified a weathervane across the street. Lippershey capitalized on the discovery and made a profit selling his new lenses to the military. it took two small children at play to make it all happen. An unexplainable event shaped the beliefs of society and enabled them to see. The bible is our technology to see how God sees the world and us, let us saturate ourselves in the truth so that we can be all that God calls us to be
As Muhammad ali once said “Cause if God can make penicillin out of moldy bread, He can make something out of you."

Friday, April 10, 2009

“all called to a mission”

Series: Conversations with Jesus
John 17:6-19

INTRO, special day, 9 new members, people committing to our community at St Johns, getting involved and call this place home and ensure it’s health and growth, to see beyond their own navels and see that God did not just die for them, but for the Church he loves as well, do we need the Church? Do we need to be members of the Church? Well the bible says we should, throughout the NT, the Church is a family, or a body made up of many parts, all serving according to their gifts, it is that simple, when we are in fellowship, we flourish, we grasp the vision and we are released in our mission.

One of things I really like about my IPOD—is that it is simple
-there is only one button—and it is big
-and when I want to recharge—it’s just plug and play
Other successful enterprises have seemed to grab hold of this
-Easy jet, cheap–in part—it is simple--no assigned seats-no food- just direct city to city travel
-ryanair the same, though if the oxygen masks fell I think they would charge you for the air you breathe!

Simple is in—according to some writers
-complexity is out—people are done with so many options
-technology that demands just way too much thinking

Jesus was rather simple as well-
-He took the 613 laws of the religion of His day and simplified into one statement—“Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind—and love your neighbor as yourself”’

And when Jesus prayed in John 17
-it was a very simple prayer—
-for His disciples—MAY THEY BE MISSIONAL, be missionaries
-everything could be summed up this way

But what does this mean?
-in its simplest form—
A. They enter into it with a missional intent
-notice that Jesus did not pray for rescue planes to evacuate
His people (read 15a)
-Jesus clearly wants us in the world as He was in the world
-why? Because we have a mission

B. Which implies—
-no Christian ghettos allowed—no building of islands w/o
bridges—spiritual bomb shelters
-nowhere are we encouraged to become isolated, insulated
-Jesus did not call His disciples to become a subculture
- Not a city on a hill, or a wee nice social club, incidentally, 5 years after a person has become a Christian they no longer have any non Christian friends………
-Jesus calls us to be a missional community--out there—in the world

C. This was/is Jesus— the incarnation- God came to live in the neighbourhood
-going out of His way to the woman at the well, the paralytic at Siloam
-hanging with the wrong people, going to their parties (Mk 2:13-17)

D. But entering can be perilous, dangerous, risky
-for we enter a world alienated towards God
-and consequently—alienated toward us
-so He prays that the Father will keep us (read 15b)

Illustration – Just about every week I am reminded of this alienation
-God delusion Dawkins- Christians are guilty of child abuse, they are idiots, they are dangerous and evil!
This is our post-Christian world today
-and it while it would be easy for believers to hide
-this is not what Jesus prays for—but rather—we would step into the fray
-knowing this—God is in charge of everything!
But entering is not enough—

-being in the world is not a call to be of the world--there is a
difference (read vs 16)
Entering—we must guard against being pulled back into its values and ways
-for we can become so engaged in culture we neglect the gospel
-we can uncritically embrace the priorities and presumptions of our age—
and then become easily seduced
-we can desire to be relevant at the expense of being faithful
-the chameleon Christian versus the chrysalis Christian
So missional means—neither isolation nor accommodation

-they enter—without accommodating—TO REFORM
-influence, reshape
Hence Jesus prays—

-Jesus uses priestly language
-because we are in fact priests
-priests called into God’s service and set apart BY TRUTH
so that as it takes hold
-we are no longer indifferent towards culture
-word has become flesh

-who came and lived in culture
-being in mission—as Jesus was in mission
-loving what He loved-hating what He hated
-weeping over cities as He did
-engaging in culture as He engaged—what does that mean?

-boycotting movies
-burning books
-this misses the pt of vs 15—where Jesus calls us to
build bridges—not throw stones

-write music that sounds just like culture (Luther and
others did that pretty well)
-becoming so synonymous with culture it’s hard to tell
the difference?

-take it over—get the right government in place to carry out our agenda to make Britain a Christian nation
-this was not Jesus’ agenda then—nor now

-subvert culture?
-this is certainly closer to what Jesus did
-the metaphors of salt and light could suggest this—
we subtly enter our worlds and in a stealth like way
change culture
-entering into tensions
It’s more

-more than anything else--Jesus came to a desperate
world and created culture
-a culture of grace—a culture of justice
-a culture of life—so wherever He went—He healed
-and offered a different kind of life--life abundant
-not a spirit of depression or derision—that reflects so
many religious today—but life

Could it be that at the heart of being missional—it means this—
-that we enter this world—rather than abandoning it
-enter—without condemning it—copying it
Enter neither to co-opt—or even primarily to challenge

-creating the same kinds of culture
-a culture of grace—in a culture of disgrace
-a culture of respect—in a culture of coarseness
-a culture of justice—in a culture of oppression
-a culture of trust—in a culture of cynicism
-not book burning—but book writing
-not boycotting movies—but making movies
-not copying music—but making music—music that transcends what is
heard—that creates culture

-Illustration - when Apple created IPOD-it created culture
-I walk down the high st, everyone has the white earphones in their lugs! Bono of U2 said he no longer mixes his albums to pump out of the big speakers, but out of tiny earphones! Apple has changed the culture!

It used to be this way—
-the church created the architecture
-musicians wrote the kind of music that transcended all the other music
-there are some current examples
-Bono—who goes to Africa, into a culture that is forgotten—or ignored
-and creates a culture of hope and healing

All of us in Christ are called to mission
-called to create culture—that might begin with a culture of grace in our own homes
In the high st on a Saturday, it is hard to miss Mormon missionaries
-dressed in rather sharp suits—they looked more like corporate executives, handsome young men
- I heard one in passing ask another—so where is your mission?
-Dalkeith, Galashiels, Edinburgh?
-for this is how they see life—do we?
Psa 90:12 So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.
I have lived roughly 13, 000 days, I used 7 last week I have 7 to use this week, everyone of us has today, and after that we will be a day closer to eternity, Donna reminded me happily that life is a terminable disease! I like to think that we have our allotted amount of days, God knows how many we have, and He places great value in a day, in our day and what we do with it, and you know it is not the big days that count it is the small days that shape your life
Zec 4:10 despise not the day of small things, your approach to the small days shapes your life, Jesus calls us, Jesus sends us into the world, to share the news that God loves them, that he wants the Kingdom of God to make a difference in their lives, to discover Jesus, to receive forgiveness of sin, to receive life and life in all its fullness in abundance, let Jesus’ mission to you shape your everyday and you see what he has in store for you, he will not let you down, try it and see, Jesus saves! The one who was proclaimed King as he entered the city, died as a criminal, and has saved us all, let us give him all the glory, not simply here in the church on a Sunday morning but with everyday of our lives!

Friday, April 03, 2009

"What Does God Pray to God?"

Series: Conversations with Jesus
John 17
Last week we looked at this dilemma of unanswered prayer
-sometimes prayer goes unanswered because they are so frivolous
-help me to get an A—even though I haven’t studied
-help my team to win today (okay-some of these aren’t frivolous prayers)
- sportsmen who pray for victory over the other team
Part of the problem is that prayer is often about us
-our self absorption takes on religious expression
-and we move downstream
-informing God of our plans
-pleading with God to see things our way
-cutting deals—fruitless whining over our wants
-seeking for God’s blessings on our own endeavors
-when what we need to do is start upstream—where the flow begins
-authentic prayer begins with God—for it’s all about Him—not us
-this is what Jesus shows us in His prayer in John 17
It’s in this chapter Jesus’ prayer brings to closure this long discourse—that began back in chapter 13
-the hour now has come
-from here-everything will move in quick succession-arrest, trial, execution
So Jesus prayed— (read 17:1-5)
1. the first thing that is striking is that Jesus invites us into His prayer life
-where we gain a rare glimpse
-up till now—we have only caught snippets of His prayers
-now we hear the whole of what He prayed
-He invites us into His prayer closet—wherein we hear the deepest parts of the
-for this is what prayer reflects
It’s as if wants us to hear, write it down, ponder it
-because in fact—He does!
2. the second thing is this—this prayer defies easy analysis
-for us concrete sequential types—linear in our approach
-prone to outline, systematize
-this prayer will not allow it
-there is a certain flow—and yet a certain randomness to it
But then-most prayers are like this
-most of mine have all of the skeletal structure of an amoeba
-like His discourse-it is rambling and unsystematic
-there is no outline-no smooth transitions
-for after all—He is not teaching how to pray as in Matt 6
-He doesn’t begin with—“When you pray, say…”
-He is simply letting us listen in as He pours His heart out to God
-and yet—and here’s the third thing we can’t avoid
3. this prayer was intentionally given for our teaching
-for it was recorded and entered as part of Scripture—which Paul told Timothy is
given for our instruction—that we might be competent for every good work
-that we might be competent for every good prayer
-all of which leads to a fourth observation
4. the driving force of Jesus’ prayer is the GLORY OF GOD
-this is how He begins—glorify Your Son
-but this must have as its ultimate goal—that He might glorify You We should not be surprised
-from the beginning of His earthly ministry—this has been Jesus’ single aim—
His obsession
-that whatever He does—it will bring glory to God
-His hesitancy to respond immediately to Lazarus was so that the Father’s reputation would be enhanced-11:4
-His encounter with the blind man of John 9 was so that the work of God “might
be displayed”
-His determination to go to the Cross was based ultimately on this one aim—to
glorify the Father’s name-12:28
-even here in 17:1-the glory that comes to Christ is all for this—it might glorify the
For God’s chief end is to glorify God
-it is an unmistakable theme that dominates every other theme—running from
Genesis to Revelation—GOD’S GLORY
-the essential mission of God—the essential pursuit of everything that exists—is
to bring glory to God
-in everything God does—His purpose is to preserve and display His
inexpressible majesty
-Ps 19:1-God made the heavens and earth to recount, declare God’s glory—
God’s immensity
-everything is created to point to Him
-Isa 43:7-those called by My name I have created for My glory
-Rom 9:23-He has prepared us for His glory
-the Westminster Confession declares-“The chief duty of man is to glorify God
and enjoy Him forever”
-we were made to showcase God—not ourselves
-made to magnify Him—make Him famous—not ourselves
-I Cor 10:31-whatever you do—in word or deed—do all to the glory of God
-whatever says there is nothing too big—nothing too small that cannot—should
not-have God’s glory stamped on it
-I Pet 4:10-11-whoever speaks or serves-in all things-glorify God
-Matt 5:16-let your light shine so that they may see your good works and glorify
-I Cor 6:20-you have been with a price-glorify God in your body
-Col 3:17-and whatever you do-whether in word or deed—do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus
-that our passion in life would be for God’s reputation
1. that our defining prayer request—under which every other request is secondary is that God be glorified in our lives
2. no-better—that everything we pray would be “framed” in the context of His glory
-God-take take this relationship I am praying for and magnify Your name through it
-God-take this illness and come out of it famous
-God-take this job, this career, this education, this day, this body, these gifts—
and exalt, elevate, increase Your status, Your standing
-take my parenting and elevate Your stature through it
-take St John’s vision an fulfill it—for your name
-take whatever glory that comes to me for anything I have done well—and magnify Yourself instead of me
We need to frame things this way
-for the world, flesh, and devil collude to suppress—not exalt the glory of God
-there’s nothing they hate more—than the glory of God
-every sin’s ultimate aim is to deny God the glory due His name
-hence Paul writes--for all have sinned and continue to fall short of the glory of
God-fail to live according to His purpose-Rom 3:23
-so we are tempted to live for our glory
-to be enamored with ourselves—pray mainly for ourselves and our interests
-live to make a name for us—make much of us—live to be noticed
-live to be god
-Madonna ends her Confessions Tour by symbolically being crucified on stage
-she wraps her singing in religious symbols—but it all about her
But this is to waste life—get things out of focus
-more—it is to take on more than God ever intended
-to live to glorify God invites us to take a break
-to play truant
-we can stop doing all of these important things we have to do in our capacity as
god—and leave it up to Him to be God
-we can uncreate our world that we have carefully fashioned for our glory
-and get in step with the one God for whom it is all about His glory!
Beginning our prayer this way not only frames our requests
-it frames the direction of our lives (read vss 2-4)
Because Jesus was passionate for God’s glory—everything He did was all about
fulfilling the will of God
-work the adversary tried to get Him off page from completing
-but Jesus would not be deterred from His work
-nothing gets in the way of bringing glory to God
And so He completed the call of God on His life—and this is what brings God glory
It is the same with us
-bringing God glory is about completing the work He has called us to do
-for all of us have been extended two calls
-a call to receive His saving forgiveness
-a call to follow His will to personally penetrate this world and live for Him
-a call of God that says—this is the work I formed you for—saved you for
-a call so decisive that everything we are, everything we do, everything we have
is invested with a special devotion in response to this summons (Guinness)
-that is not so much a journey of self discovery (it may not have anything to do
with this)
-but more—simply living life in faithfulness to God, responding to what He brings my way
This is the work we are called to complete
-loving the relationships He gives me
-reaching lost people
-raising the children God gives us
-offering grace to those who have failed, fullness to those who are empty
-exercising what spiritual gifts He has given me
-living out the uniqueness for which we were created for
In essence-living large on the stage we find ourselves (White)
-so that at the end of it all—we can like Jesus declare—
I have brought you glory by completing the work you called me to do
Let me ask you this morning—
-who are you living for
-whose glory are you passionate for
-how it you are framing your prayers?
-this is what will revolutionize our world—but far more—this is what will bring
glory to God
In such a life—such a prayer—we climb above timberline and look down at the speck
that is ourselves
-we dwell on His glory—not our own
-and life again gets centered
-and prayers get answered
-Jesus prayer tells us
1. HIS PROTECTION-vss 11-15
-for the evil one’s primary mission is to do whatever it takes to rob God of His
-that is-everything to distract us from our calling
-and so He prays—
-protect them-keep, watch over, guard-vs 11
-keep them in tact from the evil one-vs 15
-not in an insulating way—but keep us from distraction
-from his subtleties—that lead us to live for ourselves—pursue our own glory
-that only will lead to dysfunction
What is ultimately behind the mess of this world
-representatives exchanges despicable stuff on e-mails, people killing little girls,
people taken to garbage dumps and executed (just a typical random week of
-people living lives ambivalent to the call to live for God’s glory
-point us to the spiritual weapons they we will need to successfully fight this
spiritual battle
-Jesus prayed that we would be set apart, saturated in the context of truth
-may we be grounded in Word—distinguished by His word
-which will enable us to pursue His call—live for His glory
3. OUR ONENESS-vs 21
-this implies we are to live as community
-as we should—must
-the church is first and foremost a community—a collection of people who belong
to each other because they belong to God
-God’s mission for us is to be a people
-people who are undivided—determined to live out the love of God
-for division not only nullifies the witness of our union in Christ
-will keep us from the work
-will keep us from glorifying God
-it’s hard for us to grasp this sense of corporate identity today
-we have been so soaked in individualism that our image of church is a collection
of isolated individuals all doing their own thing
-but this misses the work God has called us to do
-if we are to preach grace, reconciliation, love—than we have to model it
-or we will not glorify God
One’s prayer life tells us a lot about what is important to a
-we live in a morally disordered universe
- murders, rape, children suffering horrible painful deaths
- fritzl and his daughter
-what all have in common—beyond unspeakable evil
-a failure to live out our ultimate purpose-to glorify God
In the process of doing it—Jesus Himself took on a certain glory
-a glory that comes from living in union with God—in complete harmony with His purpose
-this is why John writes—and we beheld His glory-1:14
-but not of the dazzling, splendorous kind
-the sort that God shielded Moses from lest he be consumed-Ex 33
-the glory of God is more than the show of greatness and magnificence
-it is also a show of humiliation and lowliness
-Jesus’ glory was not conspicuous, glamorous—glory noticed by fashion
-glory that flatters our lusts and egos
-Jesus redefined glory—but not many saw it
-this was a glory that moved into the neighborhood
-that occasionally revealed itself in the spectacular-Jn 2:11-in this first of His
miraculous signs, He revealed His glory
-but it was more often a glory that included obscurity and humiliation
-a glory that was not, in the eyes of the world, necessarily impressive
-as part of His glory-Jesus was dismissed, derided, marginalized, rejected, put to
This is Jesus’ longest recorded prayer. Jesus has allowed this prayer into John’s gospel not as a model prayer but as an expression of how much he loved the Father, the disciples, and those who would believe in the centuries to follow. He reveals to us a special something that is the key to our life, his singular passion to glorify the Father in all he has done, is doing, and will do. With the glory of God as central, control is released and we can rest.
The Glory of God:
• is why all creation exists
• is why we exist
• is why scripture calls us to this continual action
• is why we must share the same passion as Jesus when we pray
So, how do we make sure we bring God glory? In the same way Jesus spoke of:
• by completing the purpose for which he was sent
• by not allowing anything to get in the way of that completion