Tuesday, February 03, 2009

“How Can We Do Greater Things Than Jesus?”

Series: Conversations with Jesus
John 14:12-14

- the family who have been visiting have to go, and there is sadness, at the departure,
-you experience a brief wave of sadness—how quickly the time goes!
-but it is soon replaced with what can best be described as a state of euphoria
Departures—always create a strange mix of emotions
-but there was no mix of feelings in John 13-17
-Jesus was leaving—and for the disciples—this was no occasion for joy
-there was only sadness and despair
But in His “Upper Room Discourse”
-Jesus made it clear He was not walking off—walking out on them
-He was not slipping away to some eternal rest, slumbering at the right hand of God, occasionally awakened by the dramas going on in our lives
It was just the opposite—
-He was leaving so that His eternal presence and power would be even more real
-He was departing so that kingdom of God could more effective advance
So He gave this command—14:1—Take courage! Don’t be stressed out!
-it is to your advantage I go
In this chapter—He will gives us a few reasons why it is good for us!
Beautiful woman, you caught my eye!
-after all--He is leaving—in order to PREPARE A HOME FOR US (read vs 2)
-which puts things suddenly in perspective
-don’t be overwhelmed by the challenges of living in this world
-there is a hope that goes beyond this earth
-there is a future for your lives
-your hopes are not bound to the present
-and take courage—in coming to Christ—we have already made the transition
-for in our union with Christ—we are already home-for where Christ is— we are
-Col 3:1-you have died and your life is hidden with Christ
-we have not fully moved in—but we are there
-the challenge is to learn how to live in the already and not yet
-like amphibious creatures—we must learn to live in two places at once—
-the world and the church
-heaven and earth
-present conflict and future shalom
-present citizenship and future citizenship
But it is not easy-NT Wright describes it this way—
“We’re caught on a small island near the point where these tectonic plates— heaven and earth, future and present, are scrunching themselves together—so be ready for earthquakes”
-we’re living in a tension
-as Paul put it—to live is Christ—to die is gain
-I’m hard pressed from both directions
-and in all of this we take courage
-we can live in the present in light of the future
But there is another reason to take courage—read vs 12
2. TAKE COURAGE because
-He is leaving—in order that WE MIGHT DO AMAZING THINGS
-I’m not leaving so you can sit around and share memories of My works
-I’m not leaving in order that you might merely await My return
I am leaving so that you might do—
A. Firstly Things He has done
-Jesus put it differently in John 20:21—“As the Father has sent Me—so I
am sending you”
-I’m leaving you in a world out of step with My intentions
1.To engage in the work of restoring JUSTICE, bringing RESTORATION
-for this was the work of Jesus-putting the world to right—but not by the world’s methods-smashing windows, taking hostages, dropping bombs
-His was a quiet, prayerful revolution—that confronted oppression, spoke up for the lame, the blind, the poor
-and such we are called to do
- to stand with the poor, we are to help where only we can!, to visit the sick, tend the prisoner, love the unloved, care for the dying. Bring justice to Dalkeith, to love, to confront, to challenge, to love with action, not words alone
2. we are to engage in the work of SPIRITUAL RENEWAL, REVIVAL
-for this was the work Jesus was doing—
-awakening people to true spirituality—authentic faith
-moving people from hand religion to heart religion, FROM DOING TO BEING
-showing people what it means to have a heart for God—what it means to live by true righteousness
-people had been starved of spiritual water for so long they would drink of anything—even if it is polluted
-and so we who believe are called to do the same work of Jesus— offering people what they long for—life in the Spirit, the abundant life, faith that is authentic, that meets the deepest needs of the soul—that points them to Jesus
3. To engage in the work of COMMUNITY
-building community—removing alienation—extending grace— ministering forgiveness
Authority without Relationship
A young second lieutenant at Fort Bragg discovered that he had no change when he was about to buy a soft drink from a vending machine. He flagged down a passing private and asked him, "Do you have change for a dollar?" The private said cheerfully, "I think so, let me take a look." The lieutenant drew himself up stiffly and said, "Soldier, that is no way to address an officer. We'll start all over again. Do you have change for a dollar?" The private came to attention, saluted smartly, and said, "No, sir!"
-this was the work of Jesus—this is our mission as well
I’m leaving you to continue My work of remaking this world—and to do that effectively—I must leave
-and then Jesus made a most amazing statement
-one that must have shaken them (shakes us) to the core—
B. Things greater than He has done—we will do
-but what does this mean?
1. things more spectacular?
-greater signs and wonders than Jesus?
-more impressive acts than raising Lazarus, walking on water, feeding the 5000?
2. something more grand?
-bigger things than Jesus did?
Jesus didn’t specify—He simply tells us why this is possible (14:12b)
Here’s why you will do greater things—
-entered and sat at the right hand
-where He now has all rule, authority, power and dominion, and every title
that can be given
-where God has placed all things under His feet (Eph 1:20ff)
-so that even amidst the distortions and abuses and terrors of this world-
His kingdom is growing—quietly, underground, like seed
-but there’s more to Jesus’ statement
-where He lives to make intercession
-that is—throughout this current age—Jesus spends His time pleading our
cause, securing for us the benefits of His death-Heb 7:25
-the language tells us He is our permanent intercessor—our ongoing
-securing our salvation past, present, future
And because of these truths—here are the greater things we can do—
-a more perfect reconciliation—a completed gospel
-knowing that sin has been paid for—once and for all
-and salvation is now possible
-and there is now no condemnation for those who are in Jesus
B. The greater work of FACING THE DARKNESS
Leslie Weatherhead once told a parable of a little boy who fled from a witch who had turned herself into a cat. As the boy ran, he kept glancing fearfully over his shoulder. The first time he looked back, the cat was the size of a calf. The next time he looked, it had grown to the dimensions of an elephant. Then the boy fell, and was unable to go farther. Resolutely he got up and faced the pursuing horror. It stopped. So he took a step toward it. It backed away. As he continued to advance toward it, it began to shrink in size as it retreated from him. Finally it changed into a mouse and ran under the door of the witch's cottage to be seen no more.
The moral is clear: it pays to face up to your fears. But sometimes that is hard to do. That is when we need to turn to Christ. He can help us stand up to our fears and conquer them. He can cast out demons.
-knowing that the powers of darkness have now been disarmed
-and though there is still power of sort—there is no authority
-so that when we are confronted by the prince of this world system—we
can do the greater work of resisting
-for Jesus has transfused us His power and given us authority over the
powers of darkness
-and armed us with sufficient strength to overcome the perpetual enemies
of the soul
-knowing that His going to the Father provided access we never had
-unleashed spiritual gifts we’ve never received
-enabled us to pray within the context of a partnership we never had
-who will take our prayers and ask the Father to answer them-vss 13-14
What kind of prayers are these?
-prayers that align themselves with God’s desires and purposes
-prayers “in His name”
-prayers that “bring glory to the Father”
-prayers that ask God to do what only He can do in order that He might
receive the glory
We in the world are a lot like the story of the missionary in the jungle. He got lost with nothing around him but bush and a few cleared places. He finally found a small village and asked one of the natives if he could lead him out of the jungle. The native said he could. "All right," the missionary said, "Show me the way." They walked for hours through dense brush hacking their way through unmarked jungle. The missionary began to worry and said, "Are you quite sure this is the way? Where is the path?" The native said. “in this place there is no path. I am the path."
Let us rely on the path that is Jesus, he is our way out of this jungle! how do we do that? We Pray!
Prayer that joins with the will of heaven, the will of the Father,
-prayer that is asking for the same things Jesus is asking for- the Lord’s prayer
- it begins with worship-Hallowed be Your Name
-it moves to intercession-Advance Your kingdom/Accomplish Your will
-it moves to personal petition-provide my core needs/forgive my failures/enable me to forgive others/keep me from spiritual failure
- it ends on thanksgiving-in everything-no matter what—I give thanks
-this is the prayer that lays hold of and the releases God’s willingness and
ability to act in accordance with God’s will
-prayer that is asking for something of God’s kingdom, rule in the future to enter into our present
-prayer that leads to greater works—prayer that is always answered versus—
Prayer that does not join something in motion
-prayer that is not necessarily asking for the same things Jesus is asking for
-which begins with petition-Bless my life/meet my needs
-then moves to intercession-change my circumstances/work in others for my sake
-then moves to worship-here’s my tip-a little praise for meeting my needs
-and ends in thanksgiving-you’re useful—keep up the work!
-this is prayer that lays hold and releases nothing
-that does not lead to the greater works
-that is generally unanswered
One day a woman decided to go shopping. She went into a shopping centre and picked a store at random. She walked in and was surprised to see Jesus behind the counter. She knew it was Jesus because he looked just like the pictures she'd seen on holy cards and devotional pictures. She finally got up her nerve and asked, "Excuse me, are you Jesus?""I am.""Do you work here?""No, I own the store."
"Oh, what do you sell here?""Just about everything," Jesus said. "Feel free to walk up and down the aisles, make a list, see what it is you want and then come back and we'll see what we can do for you."She did just that, walked up and down the aisles. There was peace on earth, no more war, no hunger or poverty, peace in families, no more drugs, harmony, clean air, careful use of resources. She wrote furiously. By the time she got back to the counter, she had a long list. Jesus took the list, skimmed through it, looked up at her and smiled. "No problem." And then he bent down behind the counter and picked out all sorts of things, stood up and laid out the packets.She asked, "What are these?""Seed packets," Jesus said. She said, "You mean I don't get the finished product?""No, this is a place of dreams. You come and see what it looks like, and I give you the seeds. You plant the seeds. You go home and nurture them and help them to grow and someone else reaps the benefits.""Oh," she said. And she left the store without buying anything.

So here’s our challenge, we reap what we sow, what are we sowing?
Do we sow with the will of God, or with our own choices?
Do we seek the things of God, to build the kingdom of God or would we prefer o build the kingdom of keith, Jean, David whoever.
-pray—that we might do the works Jesus did
-the things greater than Jesus did
there’s a book written for us list lovers called “The Incredible Book of Wacky Lists” by Patrick M. Reynolds (2001), where he has lists of “Plants That Eat Animals” (there are 4 of them: Venus’s flytrap, Butterwort, Sundew, Pitcher plant), “Seas Named After a Color” (Black, Red, White, Yellow Seas), 3 Tallest US Presidents (Abe Lincoln, 6'4", LBJ, 6'3", Thomas Jefferson, 6'2½”, now 4, with Barack Obama, 6'2"), “7 Birds That Can’t Fly” (emu, kiwi, penguin, ostrich, cassowary, rhea, Galapagos cormorant), “10 Animals with Pockets” (kangaroo, koala, opossum, sea horse, Tasmanian devil, wombat, wallaroo, bandicoot, cuscus, echidna), and “10 Knock-Knock Jokes” (enough is enough—I’ll spare you.)

My new favorite list is at first flush an alarming one. It is called “24 Things About To Become Extinct In the uk.” Among the 24 predicted extinctions are the imminent demise of the Yellow Pages, movie rental stores, phone landlines, VCRs, incandescent light bulbs, cameras that use film, and the milkman. In fact, some extinctions are good. When things are no longer useful, when things do not function in a helpful way, or just aren’t sensible anymore, they should become extinct. As the church of God let is not lose our function, let us rely upon him and let him do greater things through us, let us see the glory of God descend as we continue to build his kingdom, amen.

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