Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mark: The meaning of free grace ch 1 v 35- 2:17

Intro: Jesus a man of authority, to heal and forgive, which was for God alone, he ate with sinners, which was forbidden, he needed no other authority
1.ch1 v 35-39 Popularity
I. v 28, news of Jesus spread like wildfire, overwhelming crowds
A. Gets up to pray in solitary place for hours (not cut like we do)
B. After Peter tells him, he says “lets leave”
II. Why? He was for everyone
A. preacher not just a miracle worker
III. Jesus’ priorities
A. Prayer (leans on the father)
B. Balance of word and deed in ministry
C. Popularity is not a priority (quality rather than quantity is the key to Jesus’ ministry
2. ch 1 v 40-45 Leper
I. Leprosy was a term for variety of skin diseases and disorders
A. Quarantine
B. Ceremonially unclean, even when you came near (tree)
II. Leper approaches Jesus, heals not only with pronouncement but with touch
A. Surprising as not needed for physical healing (cf 2 v 10-11)
B. Surprising because Jesus opens himself to be branded unclean
III. Risky, but touch is significant
A. Not needed for the physical healing, but for the emotional suffering
B. Jesus can’t become unclean
3. ch2 v 1-5 Paralytic
I. Back to Capernaum, preaching this time, not healing
A. Doing good is not the whole of Christianity, if it was Christianity would be just like any other religion
B. It would be a matter of following examples and fulfilling ethical standards
C. But we are saved by faith in what he has done
II. We need to hear the message to believe it! Surprises persistent friends
A. Jesus forgives his sins!
B. Something more radical and basic than physical health, being right with God
C. The only thing that can really kill you is sin
D. The only cure is forgiveness
III. Jesus surprises us the readers
A. How can you forgive someone who isn’t repentant?
B. Jesus reads the motives of the heart
C. We don’t have to say things the right way, or follow a set of rules
D. Have a heart of dependence and desire to get near him
4. ch2 v 6-12 authority to forgive sins
I. third group of people surprised by Jesus
A. Religious leaders, enormous claim about Jesus, blasphemy!
B. Jesus claiming he is God
II. someone sins against you
A. costs you something
B. to forgive means you don’t expect to be reimbursed, you pay for it yourself
C. you can only forgive if a debt is against you or if you are willing to pay for someone else’s debt
III. If Jesus forgives sins, he is claiming all their sins are against him
A. every sin breaks his rules (he is rulemaker)
B. Jesus is claiming he can pay for these sins
C. Religious leaders never expected this!
5. ch 2 v :9 what is the answer to Jesus’ question?
I. Which is easier?
A. Anyone could say “you are forgiven”, need power and authority
B. Jesus says the first does the second, he heals the man
C. Jesus is saying “ I HAVE THE AUTHORITY”
6. Ch 2 v 13-17 Sinners and the righteous
I. Do the righteous not need him? This is a warning to the self righteous
A. When do you go to a doctor? When it is beyond your control
B. You don’t go just for advice, you want intervention
II. Jesus calls the sinners and the righteous
A. Sinners know they are in need of the great physician
B. Righteous think they can do it on their own! (Work hard, live a good life etc) Jesus an example not a saviour
III. Jesus can and will only help those who know they are moral failures, unable to save themselves
A. Self righteousness is in some ways the only fatal sin
B. The moral and righteous are turned off (when Christianity is explained)
C. The big “sinners” are turned on (when Christianity is explained)
7. ch2 v 13-17 Levi
I. Peter, Andrew, James and John, working class, Levi wealthy!
A. No religious type! Jesus’ call is to all!
B. Only the religiously proud exclude themselves
II. Jesus can reach and transform anyone
A. Levi’s call is not merited, it is grace!
B. Jesus’ call over all, to everyone and for everything
8. What is the theme that binds?

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