Mark ch 3 v 7-35
- each section of Mark reveals something about Jesus, power, purpose, plan
- ch1- authority, ch2- conflict, ch3- new community
- community!! Built through serving, teaching, preaching, training, counselling, healing and liberating
- as we read Gospel we are confronted with 1) HOW can Jesus carry this out in my life 2) How can I carry it out in the lives of others
They want to kill Jesus
- Pharisees and Herodians
- Jesus brings new community not through who you are or what you do, but by accepting what he brings!
- Tells us who his family truly is, he chooses the leaders of the community
- Leaders reject but the people do not, leaders don’t see it demons do
- One of the main themes of mark “the upside down kingdom”!
- Mention main players
- First will be last and last shall be first
The 12 disciples
- disciples are called to be “sent out” to preach and do miracles
- 12 significant? Formation of Israel= formation of Church
- NEW EXODUS! Mountain, 12 tribes, OUT OF SLAVERY
- Death of first born = death of Jesus is the liberation of the people
- Inclusive!
We as disciples
- Disciple is a serious follower, not just believe but follow. What does this mean?
- CHOSEN BY GRACE! Called by God!
- Against religion, the disciples slow, hard hearted, cowardly
- We are chosen; we are not the choice cut though! Humbling, gives security
- Not about performance but relationship
- This is what makes Christians different
- Called and sent out, preach and do deeds, all priests!
- HOW? Tell the truth, show love, uses the gifts, lead people to meet the king
- Disciple and apostle, a follower who is sent, Jesus not just meeting our needs/ to serve him in the world
- Intimacy, drives us, not academic, disciples trained by living with him
- CALLED INTO COMMUNIITY, zealot/tax collector
- Not in community not a disciple!
Rejection of family
- Family reject him, leaders reject him, relationship is spiritual
- Unforgivable sin? V 28&29
- Only way is to reject grace and not repent and reject Jesus
- Not what is expected, but proud need to beware!
Practical implications
- family? Who is family? Community of Jesus, the family of Jesus are those who follow and do his will
- Prodigal son Luke 15
- Jesus is the true elder brother, we become part of God’s family at his expense, the true big brother
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