Mark 4 v 34- 5 v 20
Intro- Cigars- little fires
- Question for today is what does it mean to have faith in Jesus the bringer of the kingdom of God
- Answer Martin Luther, 3 parts “Notitia” (evidence/knowledge), “assensus” (inclination/attraction) and “Fiducia” (fidelity/commitment)
- You see these all in this text
Did all this really happen?- small details, time, cushion, exact location, other boats, accurate and unnecessary
- Not hero-God myths, either sophisticated lies or historical acc
- Unflattering picture of the disciples, slow, weak, fearful.
- Gospels are strong evidence acc are of real historical events
- We can trust in the bible, faith in Christ is based on solid facts
Calming the storm- Person of Jesus, quite human and divine, tired, words of command
- Important, not human cant be our rep, divine can’t reveal God
- First set of miracles show he is all powerful, over nature, demonic, even death
- Jesus brings hope when all seems lost
- Trusting in Jesus 1)faith is all about content and information
- When Jesus says “do you still have no faith?” he is saying he has already given them plenty
- Faith is not simply belief, it requires trust
- Faith is built up by examining all evidence and trusting what you see (Notitia)
- 2) Faith includes action “still”, he is assuming they should be doing something
- Faith is not just a gift “oh you poor lads”, he is shouting! Angry not because they shouted for help, but that they doubted his love, after all he has shown them, faith is an exercise
- Supplements Eph 2 v 8-10
- Given faith, but we must exercise it, it is a muscle, don’t use it lose it! NIAGARA ANCHOR DO YOU KNOW HOW TO USE IT
- We can’t complain we don’t have faith we need to act upon it!
- Fiducia we have to be committed to the truth, despite our fears
- We need to “consider the lilies” Matt 6, think through your fears, doubt is an absence of thinking!
- 3) Faith is a matter of being attracted to Jesus, and what he has done for us
- doubt is questioning his love and power
- “Still” that is the key word! He has done enough!
- Faith is thinking, committing but also resting in the love and work of Jesus
- Biggest failure of disciples is the thought that Jesus doesn’t care, but it is the cross that confirms the love and how far he will go for us.
- Similarities to Jonah, the fear, Jesus is the true Jonah, Matt 12, consumed by the storm of God’s wrath, so we can have peace and be calm and be saved
- Jesus has calmed the only storm that can really harm us, God’s wrath, if we recognise that, we can trust him in the smaller storms.
- This is the proof that we can trust him.
Legion ch 5 v 1-20
- demonic in society, sceptics, psychological, social structures
- Jesus has the authority to rescue, he is liberator and healer
- There is an alternative to having Jesus as master
- As you submit to him as King, he brings you into the kingdom and kingdom into you!
a) Person of Jesus, ch1 showed the power of Jesus no hocus pocus, just a command, same here, simply gives permission, he is the higher power
b) Trusting Jesus 1) demons know who Jesus is, James 2 v 19, good theology, faith is more than good theology, live in trust and building life upon the truth of Jesus
2) Townspeople see how they respond! They are petrified at his power, because it meant loss of control!
- Faith is to accept losing control, to let the power of Jesus in, a good and unpredictable irresistible force
3) Cured man, begs to be a disciple, Jesus refuses and he obeys, he is called to go home and be a witness, he gladly does it with his whole heart - this is true faith, as opposed to the demons and the townspeople
- unlike the demons he bases his life on the truth of Jesus
- unlike the townspeople, he gives Jesus control of his life
- Jesus gives him a different agenda from what he wants & he accepts
- He experiences “unanswered prayer” but responds in obedience
4)Application a) Jesus wants you to go to your loved ones and tell them what Jesus has done b)Story shows us no matter the storm, how much we have messed up, how deeply enslaved, how bad our problems, JESUS SETS US FREE! THAT TAKES FAITH, daddy I can’t see you!
MAY YOU……tell others, persist in the storm, trust in your Father
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