Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Proverbs 26:17
Introduction story of the American president Lyndon, holding his dogs by the ears. Many Christians become involved in something similar! It is the result of interfering in the affairs of others, this verse describes the situation and how we can apply practical biblical teaching to our lives and really see the benefits!
Proverbs 26 v 17 Getting involved in an argument that is none of your business is like going down the street and grabbing a dog by it’s ears
What is this verse talking about? Meddling!
I. what is meddling?
A. the verse is self explanatory
1. Meddle comes from the Latin to mix thoroughly
2. if you meddle, you are itching to get in there, something is winding you up, you are getting agitated
3. it is an argument, so you want to get involved in a ding dong!
4. GN back to front, it is not going down the street to grab a dog’s ears, rather you are a passer by to the argument, so you don’t even know what the argument is even about
5. It is none of your business though! There is no personal stake for the meddler in what is going on!
B. Meddling can be expressed in various ways
1. Someone who sticks his nose in where it is not wanted
2. Giving your tuppence worth
3. Or as the Greeks put it in a proverb, “strive not in a matter that concerns you not”
II. What are the results of meddling?
A. It is like grabbing a dog by the ears
1. Not a wise way to handle dogs
2. the verse seems to be suggesting the idea of a stray dog
3. you grab a dog by it’s lugs, you will incur it’s rage and you will at the very least get a nip, if not a right good bite!
B. A meddler exposes himself to danger
1. If you enter an argument between two people, you will either take one side and upset the other, or no side and upset both
2. Once we are in an argument that is not ours, it is very difficult to get out of it!
3. Involvement in arguments and fights of others, almost always results in hurt
4. Uninvited involvement is rarely appreciated!

III. How does meddling differ from peacemaking?
A. There is a clear difference
1. Peacemaking is about bringing people together
2. Meddling is often about taking one side and looking for a victory
B. Two guidelines
1. Peacemaking is best done reluctantly and hesitantly
2. We should be very sure of our call to act before we do so!
IV. Are there biblical illustrations regarding meddling?
A. The story of Jehoshaphat in 1 Kings 22
1. Jehoshaphat is in a battle that is not his concern
2. He escapes but very nearly lost his life for his trouble
B. Incident in Luke 12 v 13-14
1. Jesus confronted a man who wanted him to become involved in an argument
2. Jesus perfectly practices prov 26 v 17
3. We would do well to follow the example of Jesus and avoid arguments and feuds, that do not concern us
V. What are the lessons to be learned from meddling?
I think it is daft to argue/fight about things we really care about, it is really idiotic to become involved in things that are none of our business, just think about what can happen if you get involved an issue such as who gets the inheritance, or if you try to help a couple that are having real relationship issues? Minefield
If we are not to be quick to sort out our own problems, why should be trying to sort out other people’s lives? Jesus I am sure said something about logs and specks in people’s eyes, do you remember, or to put it another way people in glass houses, shouldn’t throw stones
When we do intervene as a peacemaker, we must do so only after much prayer, with good reason and with solid biblical support
Think about the witness to Jesus you give by meddling or peacemaking.
VI. What is the answer to meddling?
A. recognise we love to do it!
B. Accept biblical cautions against it (I peter 4 v 15-16)
C. Hear the words of Paul I thess 4 :11, make it your ambition to mind your own business, so you win the respect of others! You are little Christ’s, you bring Jesus to everyone you meet! Think about how Jesus is seen in you!
We have too often forgotten that God can handle many things we want to handle, let’s not go out grabbing the ears of those around us! We will not only get bitten, we will cause great hurt, lets remember we are the face of Jesus to all we meet!

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